Different Classes Of FFP2 Mask That You Should Know

FFP or Filtering Face Piece masks protect the respiratory organs from harmful substances like smoke, aerosols, dust, and microorganisms. Respiratory protection masks protect the air passages from penetration of any unwanted contaminants or particles. It also provides effective protection from coronavirus infection. The protective function of the FFP2 masks has passed efficacy, safety, and quality tests. 

The masks can be created from various filter materials, which have a single thing in common: these masks can capture fine yet harmful particles from the air. So, effective filters are an essential part of these masks. The Respiratory protection masks have three classes that are FFP1, FFP2, and FFP3 masks. The FFP2 masks act in the same way as N95s and trap the particles in the fiber. The electrostatic filters work like magnets and restrict particles that might escape.

Classes of Respiratory Protection Masks As Per Their Efficiency

Respiratory protection masks have three filtration classes. Before buying, you should know for what purpose the masks will be used. To protect against COVID-19, you should pick FFP2 masks or FFP3 masks as they have filter particles that are the same size as coronavirus. If you want to protect the respiratory tract from a dusty environment, the FFP1 class offers enough protection.

1. FFP1 mask:

Such masks are best for protection from aerosols or larger dust particles. It traps 80% of airborne particles but cannot protect them from Covid-19.

2. FFP2 mask:

FFP2 masks protect from the finest aerosols particles and dust. It can capture 94% of airborne particles and provide effective protection against coronavirus.

3. FFP3 mask:

These masks are suitable for areas that are highly polluted. It filters 99% of the airborne particles and offers high breathing resistance. These also have an exhalation valve for exhaling air outwards and make it easy to breathe.

Respiratory protection masks should be used as per their efficiency to get maximum protection from unwanted contamination or particles. Odem Shop is a one-stop-shop for protective masks and covid 19 test kit needs and can be the perfect option for you. If you are interested in getting these masks, visit https://odemshop.com/ and have a healthy life.


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